We love our press appearances.

Independently of social networks, the press and television are the channels where we can also check that we are among the likes of many people.

Many celebrities choose us among numerous firms, so that in many events, we are their faithful companions.

As in the press, we are delighted to see ourselves in the pages of magazines of great relevance worldwide.

Therefore, we would like to share with you the latest appearances that @mibuh has had on this channel.


In the magazine "Estilo y Vida" (Style and Life) of "Semana".
We found on two occasions our precious hat "Hemp".



In the section "Brides" with the appearance of the tiara of our bridal collection White Aurea, "Moon Silver"..


In the magazine "Mine.

Straw hat with lacing "Komta".

In the magazine "Divinity".
The famous feather headband "Fumeque" in black in black.


In the magazine "Oxxo Wedding"..

Very special editorial with a very special piece, the tiara "Hibiscus".



Finally, in the magazine "Marie Claire" magazinemagazine, mentioning four very special pieces.

Brooch "Osiri" (out of stock), bracelet with a frog with crystals "Kega"on the right, bridal/guest headband "Dust"and porcelain flower comb "Carnation".


These are some of the latest appearances in the press.

Without a doubt, we have to thank all the readers of these magazines for their great support.

And of course, to all the magazines that like to have us in their pages, thanks to that, we owe a large percentage of our sales to them.